jeudi 30 août 2007

The missing link

Juste un peu de pub pour un album photo dont je n'ai jamais parle ici, et a cote duquel, comme Nico vous etes peut etre passe! C'est vrai qu'elles etaient pas mal ces photos!

Ca se passe par un beau week end de Mai, au New Orleans Jazz Heritage Festival, plus communement appele "Jazz Fest"...

vendredi 10 août 2007

International, musical, and sportive pancakes party! (for my birthday)

Hi! Here is, in real time or so, the name of all the persons who have nicely planned to come on Saturday, at about 4:30 PM to the...

International, musical, and sportive pancakes party! (for my birthday)

- Nicolas (French roommate #1 = the singer :)
- Andry (French roommate #2 = the photographer :)
- Rosine (the first to answer by mail! bravo et merci!)
- Karla (you won't believe it: it's her birthday too on this Saturday!! :)
- Duan (really not sure, but he will try, if his seminary is not too long...)
- Elias (might bring some things to drink?)
- Chad (he will bring a dessert!)
- Cole (she will make the dessert Chad will bring!)
(no, just joking! Chad & Cole will bring a dessert, I don't know how! :)
- Thibaut (but he is right now in New Zealand so I fear he will miss it...)
- me...
- Dorin (hoping for a good weather. I hope for it too!)
- Ruofei Du and His Wife (yes I count you, and count on you! 12 and a half for now! Duan is the half cos maybe he won't come :)
- Katie (the one with the blue bandanna at the hiking trip! hopefully she'll get back her car just in time to come! :)

Maybe you don't know all of them well, but believe me: I think they are all really nice people!

Hope you'll be there too! (please tell me before today (Friday) 4:00 PM if you come!)

Thank you!

Ok: the cutoff point has passed! You can still come and are more than welcome, but it's not sure there will be pancakes left for you! :)


That was great! Thank you all!!

The photos

dimanche 5 août 2007

En Louisiane, tout le monde plane!

Voilà, les 3 derniers jours de ces vacances en famille et en Louisiane sont enfin publiés! Ouf! Vous y apprendrez notamment que je m'y suis coupé les cheveux, que la Nouvelle Orléans a joué un rôle primodial dans la World War II, et que pousser un camion sandwich, c'est pas rigolo tous les jours!

Voici le nouveau lien téléporteur, vers le 8ème épisode:

Bon voyaaaage!